We are based in the Netherlands.

Gamma-Butyrolactone has a shelf life of at most 2 years in an enclosed bottle.

We are an online store and picking up the products is not possible.

As soon as we send the order you will receive a tracking code allowing you to follow the status of your order.

We work with DHL, UPS, DPD or similar.

In that case, we always send one additional shipment free of charge.

You will get a message confirmation from us as soon as your payment has been received.

You can dilute Gamma-Butyrolactone with a ratio of at most 1/5.

We will answer your mail on the same workday.

From China, India and Germany.

Check the legislation in your country regarding whether the product is legal there. There are countries where Gamma-Butyrolactone is forbidden or where you need a permit for it.